The Devi Prasad Sadan Dhobi Ghat is on Hailey Lane in New Delhi close by the high rise offices and luxury hotels of Connaught Place.  This is the home and workplace for 64 families of "Dhobi Wallers", many of whom were moved here by the authorities when other ghats were closed down for development.  A "Dhobi" is a man who washes clothes for a living and a "Ghat " is steps leading dow to a river.  But there is no river here, the Yamuna is a bus ride away!
The clothes are treated first in the chilamchi with detergent, then washed in the haud where the dhobi stands knee-deep in cold water. The clothes are left in the water for about half an hour, then taken to the hydra, from where they make their journey to the clothes lines. The ironing is usually done by the women in the family.  Finally, the clothes are returned to their respective addresses, which are spread across Delhi, dirty clothes are collected, and so the cycle goes on.